Sunday, February 9, 2014


400. honey chamomile tea

401. double stuffed oreos

402. restoration.  the kind i know and feel in my heart and hearts, the assurance that God is at work, and transforming not one, but two lives simultaneously.

403. tiny little bows found through out the house. a small delightful reminder that i have a beautiful daughter who wears them.

404. norah's tiny fluffy curls that form immediately after she leaves the bathtub.

405. when my children interact with kindness with one another. to overhear them playing well and peacefully brings me so much joy. it a gift because I know it is more rare than current, but prayerfully it will become more common..

406.  the ability to brush and blow dry my hair. i know it seems so small and ridiculous, but the act of fixing my hair after a shower can boost my confidence and fear of being a ratty distraction if my hair and face seem presentable..

407. a gift to belong to the King of Kings, the God of all Gods, all powerful and mighty, and yet, He chooses to lavish love on my tiny soul. I never want to forget the awe or respect that is due to Him. Yes, He is my most intimate friend, but He is a Great Warrior and a Rescuer.

408.  Nathan. I can never thank the Lord enough for this man, my husband. He is ever thoughtful, ever unselfish, so tender and gentle with me, and serves me in every way. He is the hands and feet of Jesus to me, so patient and wise, so quick to meet my needs, and i am so undeserving. I love him so much, and God has given me such a rare and precious gift in his love.

409. brief, but sincere encouragement from the Shepherd at church. to be recognized and honored by our teacher and admonisher, is a gift. we never expect or ask for his eyes or attention, so we are humbled and thankful when he offers it freely.

410.  the faithfulness of true friends who have taken the time to visit me while husband is gone. these friends stand apart from the rest and their love is quiet, yet loud to me.

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