Tuesday, July 23, 2013


big time thanks/miracle:
[truly undeserved]
my husband had a memory card in his camera that held an entire wedding on it, 
the getting ready stages, through the ceremony, and up until it was time to take pictures with the entire wedding party, all on that small memory card. 
He came home that evening after a long day and to his horror, could not read the files on his camera, or his computer. Some flashing message about "unable to retrieve files.." 
scary. this was a client. if all those once in a life time pictures were lost?
to even think of it made us sick. 
we prayed fervently and nathan scrambled around calling others for wisdom and insight,
trying desperately to hack into the card via the computer and camera over and over again. 
He took it to the norman camera store, really as a last resort, hoping they could help in some way.
They seemed hopeful explaining they had 3 different software systems that could possibly read the card and gather the missing files. 
we prayed some more. lots of nail biting.
We drive back to the camera store and nathan is met with disappointed and sorrowful eyes.
"so sorry. I could not get to the files. no charge."
devastation starts to kick in.
He is going to have to tell the new couple that half their pictures are gone, he is going to have to refund 3000 dollars worth of damage, and his business name will probably be maimed and this can do no good for future clientele. 
so many blows.
That evening, he decides to try and download a software system himself, just to try. He has no idea, there is a charge of 100 dollars with no real guarantee the files can be retrieved.
He comes in the house and slams the door. 
I go to him.
He throws that fist in the air and says breathlessly,
"It's retrieving the files!! I can see the missing pictures!!"
Praise Jesus. God is Good. God is Merciful. He answered our prayer. God is Good. I can't believe it. 
Come, listen, and hear what the Lord has done for us!

Monday, July 22, 2013


thankful that Lindsey read my entire journal
and she still loves me unconditionally. 
and she returned it to me safely at the end of the week:)


that God is still God, 
even in chaos, even in storm, even in need. 
That God's love is still true,
even in brokenness, even in weakness,
even in despair. 
That God is the Giver of Life, 
even in death.


129 warm morning sun on my skin

130 cool mountaintop breeze on a hot day

131 quiet, early, open-ended mornings with plenty of time for reflection

132 ​corporate worship

133 fresh, dry mountain air - restoring the soul

134 celebration of marriages, years building on the small moments ​

Saturday, July 20, 2013


119 that moment when the tiny wheels of an airplane break contact with the ground.

120 a morning of waking up,unassisted, light gently flooding the windows.

121 the hum and the relief of a simple propeller fan.

122 the anticipation, joy, upon finding in the mailbox a hand-written collection of words, thoughts, dreams, friendship.

123 finding that photograph that snapped at the perfect moment to capture expression: delight, laughter, youthfulness, ice cream.

124 lists. because "thanks is what multiplies joy."

125 a quiet, smooth flight, no anxiety.

126 classic stories that teach lifestyles of such integrity.

127 imagery in writing.

128 mountains that stand before me, stating their kind challenge.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


a spiritual leader found in my husband. I know this gift is rare, but I am humbled and incredibly grateful when my husband exercises this authority and speaks wisdom and truth for my troubled soul. This last couple of weeks have been a windstorm for me, and my husband has been such a blessing and voice of truth to me. He has prayed over me, encouraged me, gently guided and directed me, and offered discernment and gentle advice to carry out. I would have still been floundering or sitting in insecurity if it wasn't for him. Truly thankful when God uses Nathan to draw me closer to Himself.

Monday, July 8, 2013


our westside front porch. a safe place. where the neighborhood kids flock to sing songs, write stories, pretend, play games, and just chat. where friendships have space to grow. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


sound of fans blowing.
windows open.
walks around the block.
ice cream and
flip flops.