Friday, October 24, 2014


621. amidst the chaos and dark season that hovers around us and next to us, inside our tiny unit, there is His perfect peace and shalom. He guards us and we are thankful. 622. the carbon steel wok I found at world market for 15 bucks. 623. scriptures that speak of Hope and helping. dwelling on these and so thankful our Father is not silent in this area. 624. my son took his little sister up to her room, assisted her in getting her "nigh night" that was up high, took her up stairs, tucked her in and sang her a song before her nap all of his own accord. My heart swells at my son's thoughtfulness and tenderness. 625. meetings with leadership only reveal an unexpected respect for my husband and his character. His opinion matters to men and women we hold in esteem and we are so thankful and humbled that they would return the honor. 626. The thought/talk/dream/counsel conserning England only fuels and awakens, no doors closed clearly yet. yay..627. just the simple delight of getting to know my son's teacher, where there might have been intimidation and uncertainty at first, now there is a warmth and commadori whinch brings me relief. 628. business is heavy and full. it is abundant and plentiful. thankful thankful thankful. We would not have been able to say the same 5 years ago. 629. naan bread. 630. Asian soup spoons 631.  false eye lashes. a little bit of flair for 2 bucks😉

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