Saturday, February 14, 2015


1133. the sound the electric tea kettle makes as it buzzes and rattles to let me know a hot drink is ready to be made. 

1134. hearty laughter and quality time with T, staying up till 2:30 in the morning laughing over "feature family films" or is it "feature family for friendly films"? ha. i guess we'll never know. that and new eyes for us to examine, praying with her that one set of eyes would mirror her own heart and soul..

1135. grace for the weak and tired moments. rest for the weary and worn out times. permission and actual command to be still and know Him.  in these weird sick and worn down seasons, it is a gift to recognize His presence and joy in the mundane.

1136. overhearing words of kindness and tenderness between my son and his little sisters. 

1137. peach prosecco candle, along with pineapple coconut lit at the end of the night to signify rest and quiet for me. 

1138. nutella. strawberries. bananas. semi sweet chocolate.

1139. the gift and delight that comes from giving and surprising, not always from receiving.

1140. little updates from her, encouraging us that our prayers have not been in vain, and that little bits of fruit are being revealed to an ever growing garden of healthy  newly planted fruit.. [by their fruits you will know them.]

1141. putting away clean laundry. 

1142.  "new" boots given to me by my sister, all the way up to the knee.  love them.

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