Sunday, September 1, 2013


164  such a firm GOSPEL foundation in our Father's good, gentle, gracious love for us
165  and church leadership with such pure ambassadorship for proclaiming the truth of our condition
166  zechariah 3
167  freedom to dream
168  opportunities to share the same truth
169  and the sure promise of like-minded people
170  a job. tuesdays and thursdays. twin toddlers. a boy and a girl.
171  another job possibility. mondays + wednesdays...
172  free wireless internet at starbucks
173  john+kelsey's wedding. and a dance party.
174  away. chicago. wind + sunshine.
175  those 5 girls. backpacks and miles of sidewalk on tired feet. laughter multiplied.
176  that discipleship and friendship can be one in the same.

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