Friday, December 5, 2014


801 bedtime cuddles with little e. this girl, who i've known for only 2 1/2 years, has so much of my affection that it scares me. it pains me when she's hurt or scared or sad that she doesn't get to hug mommy before she goes to sleep. i worry that she'll grow up and go off to college and that she'll forget who jesus is. i cherish the way that she puts her little hand on my arm, mirroring my own hand on her back. and she drifts off to sleep. and i see one small keyhole, how i've learned, how i'm learning, to love the way Love Himself does. 802 the 6-year-old birthday party up the street, the one that i discovered at the last possible minute that we were attending tonight. this flexible way of life, also learned, that i embrace [almost always] as yet another adventure 803 birthday pizza [paradise pizza] for dinner, unexpected, but my favorite food is always always a welcome treat 804 reem. always remembers what's going on in my life. always asks. always cares and offers some word of approval. 805 a lynn afternoon. i get hungry, craving these times when i learn a little more of her story and she mine. and this friendship came from out of the blue, but orchestrated most definitely, because she knows my language, hears my heart, and speaks always to the untruth that i believe. i walk back to my car empowered, i believe in me because i believe God. He holds it all together. He knows what He's doing. 806 that joyful tyler friend. though you didn't leave a note, its the thought, so thank you. 807 my j. so tender tonight, glued to my side while we find a chair and a plate. 808 andrea. new friend. mother-to-be. 20. i don't know her well but i think i like her. and this summer i'll know her more, also that new face, personality, potential that is hers to cultivate. God, here i am, send me. 809 wet pants. oh my, okay. how much did you pee? a little or a lot? oh, a lot. so much pee, she responds back to me, i don't have any left. these small moments where tone and eyes say more than any of the words could. 810 borrowed pants and dora the explorer undies.

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